Confirmly Popup API Documentation

Complete reference for the Confirmly Popup library

Constructor Options

The ConfirmPopup constructor accepts an options object with the following properties:

Option Type Default Description
targetElement HTMLElement Required The element that triggers the popup when clicked
template string Default template Custom HTML template for the popup. Use {{confirmClass}}, {{cancelClass}}, {{confirmContent}}, and {{cancelContent}} as placeholders.
buttonClasses object { confirm: 'confirmly__button confirmly__button--confirm', cancel: 'confirmly__button confirmly__button--cancel' } CSS classes for the confirm and cancel buttons
buttonContents object { confirm: 'Yes', cancel: 'No' } Text content for the confirm and cancel buttons
defaultPlacement string 'top' Popup placement relative to the target element. Possible values: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'top-start', 'top-end', 'bottom-start', 'bottom-end', 'right-start', 'right-end', 'left-start', 'left-end'
onConfirm function undefined Callback function to execute when the confirm button is clicked
onCancel function undefined Callback function to execute when the cancel button is clicked
showError boolean true Whether to show console errors


The ConfirmPopup instance provides the following methods:

attach(element, onConfirm, onCancel)

Attaches the popup to a new target element.

// Create a popup instance
const popup = new ConfirmPopup({
  targetElement: document.querySelector('#button1'),
  onConfirm: () => console.log('Button 1 confirmed'),
  onCancel: () => console.log('Button 1 cancelled'),

// Later, attach the same popup to a different button
  () => console.log('Button 2 confirmed'),
  () => console.log('Button 2 cancelled')


  • element (HTMLElement): The new target element
  • onConfirm (function, optional): New confirm callback
  • onCancel (function, optional): New cancel callback


Cleans up and removes the popup from the DOM. Call this method when you no longer need the popup to prevent memory leaks.

// Create a popup instance
const popup = new ConfirmPopup({
  targetElement: document.querySelector('#myButton'),
  onConfirm: () => console.log('Confirmed'),
  onCancel: () => console.log('Cancelled'),

// Later, when you don't need the popup anymore

CSS Variables

Confirmly Popup uses CSS variables for styling. You can override these variables to customize the appearance:

Base Colors

Variable Default Value Description
--confirmly-bg-color #ffffff Background color of the popup
--confirmly-text-color #374151 Text color in the popup
--confirmly-border-color #e5e7eb Border color of the popup
--confirmly-shadow-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) Shadow color of the popup

Button Colors

Variable Default Value Description
--confirmly-primary-bg #3b82f6 Background color of the confirm button
--confirmly-primary-hover #2563eb Hover background color of the confirm button
--confirmly-primary-text #ffffff Text color of the confirm button
--confirmly-secondary-bg #e5e7eb Background color of the cancel button
--confirmly-secondary-hover #d1d5db Hover background color of the cancel button
--confirmly-secondary-text #374151 Text color of the cancel button


Variable Default Value Description
--confirmly-spacing-xs 0.25rem Extra small spacing value
--confirmly-spacing-sm 0.5rem Small spacing value
--confirmly-spacing-md 1rem Medium spacing value
--confirmly-spacing-lg 1.5rem Large spacing value

Typography & Borders

Variable Default Value Description
--confirmly-font-sm 0.875rem Small font size
--confirmly-font-md 1rem Medium font size
--confirmly-radius-sm 0.25rem Small border radius
--confirmly-radius-md 0.375rem Medium border radius


Variable Default Value Description
--confirmly-transition 200ms ease-in-out Default transition timing
--confirmly-z-index 9999 Z-index for the popup

Built-in Themes

Confirmly Popup comes with several built-in themes that you can use by adding the appropriate CSS class to your popup template:

Theme CSS Class Description
Default confirmly__popup The standard theme with blue confirm button
Success confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--success Green theme for successful operations
Warning confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--warning Red theme for dangerous actions
Info confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--info Blue theme for informational messages
Dark confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--dark Dark mode theme with light text
Material confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--material Material Design inspired theme
Bootstrap confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--bootstrap Bootstrap-style theme
Rounded confirmly__popup confirmly__popup--rounded Extra rounded corners styling

Template Structure

When creating a custom template, you need to follow this structure to ensure the popup works correctly:

<div class="confirmly__popup">
  <div class="confirmly__content">
    <p class="confirmly__message">Your message here</p>
    <div class="confirmly__buttons">
      <button data-button="cancel" class="{{cancelClass}}">{{cancelContent}}</button>
      <button data-button="confirm" class="{{confirmClass}}">{{confirmContent}}</button>
  <div class="confirmly__arrow" data-popper-arrow></div>

Important elements:

  • The data-button="confirm" and data-button="cancel" attributes are required for button functionality
  • The data-popper-arrow element is required for the arrow to work correctly
  • The placeholders {{confirmClass}}, {{cancelClass}}, {{confirmContent}}, and {{cancelContent}} will be replaced with the values from your options

Browser Support

Confirmly Popup supports all modern browsers:

  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Edge (latest)